Video Visitatation 4

Budget amendments are currently being considered in the Virginia General Assembly that can be helpful to families with members that have been incarcerated in Virginia prisons. CLICK HERE to send a letter to Virginia legislators asking them to support the budget amendments that will ease the burdens of these families.

The Issue:  A need to lighten the burden for families struggling to maintain personal contact with their incarcerated members, doing so in a way that is efficient and affordable via video visitation. This is especially critical in the time of a pandemic when in-person visits are not permitted. 

The Purpose: The Federal Government and various states have already developed or are developing effective programs enabling the incarcerated and their families to remain in contact. Like Virginia, these state programs include prison family video contacts, and address, therefore, a fundamental human need for social contact while providing an effective strategy for facilitating re-entry and preventing recidivism—primary goals that make video visitation a win for the incarcerated, their families, and taxpayers. 

Why is this important?  Almost every inmate has family ties, and we know almost every inmate returns to their communities, most within three years. To prepare inmates for successful re-entry, Virginia should follow a wise course of action by supporting and offering successful pre-release programs. 

Current Situation:  Assisting Families of the Imprisoned (AFOI) organizes and arranges for prison family video visits with inmates. Family-inmate links are few without AFOI.  The AFOI program is made possible with generous volunteers.

The ProblemThe cost of video visits facilitated via Global Tel Link (GTL) for the family of prisoners is prohibitive for many, unjustly impeding family contact with loved ones. Virginia’s public fiscal support is absent. As a result, staffing and programs are stretched past limits.  The volunteers lack resources to meet all the existing needs.  Volunteers simply cannot do all that is needed; and families, unfortunately, cannot easily afford the current Family Prison Video Visits facilitated by GTL.

What You Can Do:CLICK HERE to send a letter to Virginia legislators asking them to support the budget amendments that will ease the burdens of these families. 

For more information, please refer to:

FACT SHEET: #1 The Prison Family Video Visitation Program Proposals

FACT SHEET: #2 The Prison Family Video Visitation Program Budget Amendment