Prioriities 2


You can find SALT'S 2021 legislative priorities on the SALT web page. To review the priorities and fact sheets associated with the priorities, CLICK HERE. Once you have accessed the web page, we ask that you pay particular attention to the SALT Priorities (and associated fact sheets) listed below--the SALT Criminal Justice Legislative Priorities.


SALT Priority #3: Expand the Virginia Family Video Visitation program by Assisting Families of the Imprisoned (AFOI). CLICK HERE. Patrons: Senator Adam Ebbin and Delegate Kaye Kory.


SALT Priority #4: SALT is working with legislators to end the private prison industry in Virginia by placing a moratorium on further private management of prison facilities in Virginia, including Lawrenceville, Virginia’s only private prison. CLICK HERE. Patron: Senator Adam Ebbin. Recent TV coverage of this priority can be found HERE.


SALT Priority #5--End Inhumane Solitary Confinement: SALT supports the reducing of solitary confinement to an absolute minimum and legislation to ban it for the mentally ill. CLICK HERE. Patrons: Delegate Joshua Cole, Senator Joe Morrissey and Senator Bill Stanley.


To review what you accomplished in 2020 to support SALT's priorities, CLICK HERE. Thanks to all of you and your advocacy, the moral arc of the universe continues to bend toward justice.