Barbara Favola 4


On Friday, April 28, SALT honored Senator Barbara Favola. Because of her legislative efforts in the Virginia General Assembly to protect and lift up the many vulnerable Virginia families burdened by poverty, Senator Favola was recognized by SALT for her outstanding service, patience, and persistence in advancing the common good and addressing the suffering of those afflicted by poverty.

The award was presented by John Horejsi, the founder of SALT and coordinator of SALT's social justice advocacy work for the past forty years. Joining John to pay tribute to Senator Favola for her legislative work on behalf of impoverished families was Valerie L'Herrou, Deputy Director -- Center for Family Advocacy at the Virginia Poverty Law Center. 

To view the video of the award ceremony, please click on 2023 Legislatively You Serve Award.

Unfortunately, Senator Favola was unable to be present on Zoom with the SALT advocates present. She was stuck in traffic when returning home from her day at work in Richmond.

Below you will find a photo of the award Senator Favola received from SALT.

