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The General Assembly is set to reconvene on Wednesday, April 12th to consider Governor Youngkin’s vetoes and amendments to legislation passed during this year’s session. This is usually a long day on the House Floor as both chambers work together as a legislative body. So, what has to happen between now and then?

The Governor’s constitutional deadline to act on legislation is 11:59 pm on March 27th, or 30 days following the adjournment of the regular session. During this period, the Governor reviews legislation with his policy staff. He then has a choice whether to recommend amendments to the bills, veto them, sign them, or take no action. Interestingly, in Virginia, a Governor does not have to sign a bill in order for it to go into effect. Therefore, “taking no action” on a bill is de facto approval.

In Virginia, the Governor also has line-item veto power, meaning he can strike and amend portions of a bill without rejecting a bill outright. This ability certainly has its benefits and drawbacks. Bills with emergency clauses go into effect immediately upon the Governor’s signature. From my calculations, 10 such emergency bills passed this year, and the Governor has already signed one, SB 882 patroned by Senator Janet Howell related to amending Virginia’s tax code. The rest will go into effect on July 1st of this year unless otherwise specified. A positive aspect is that this gives everyone one last chance to get it right, so to speak, so that if there are any edits necessary to make the bill even better or more effective, this is a final opportunity to make it happen.

During the reconvene session, the General Assembly can override a Governor’s veto by a two-thirds vote. If both chambers override the Governor's veto, the bill shall become law without his signature. If either chamber fails to override the Governor's veto, the veto shall stand and the bill shall not become law and it is done.

When the Governor amends a bill, if both chambers agree by a majority vote to the Governor's entire recommendation, the bill, as amended, shall become law. If the amendments are only agreed to in part by both chambers, the bill shall be reenrolled with the Governor's amendments agreed to by both chambers and shall be returned to the Governor. The Governor then can either sign or veto the bill returned to him. If the Governor vetoes the bill, the veto shall stand and the bill will not become law.

If both chambers reject all amendments by a two-thirds vote, the original bill becomes law.

If the Governor takes no action on the bill within thirty days after the adjournment of the reconvened session, the bill shall become law without his signature.

As of this evening, only 51 bills have been signed by the Governor, but I doubt that many of the rest of the 867 bills will be vetoed or amended since they already passed both chambers of the General Assembly, a Republican-led House, and a Democratic-led Senate. You can follow along as bills are signed into law here. This will certainly be a busy next two weeks for the Governor’s staff.

In addition to bills, budget negotiations continue among budget conferees.




2023 Budget priorities

The Budget is A Moral Document

What we value as a society is clearly seen in how we allocate resources. Families are struggling to recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic combined with longstanding inequities in housing, childcare, and the criminal justice system. VICPP believes that the budget should support families in ways that allow them to:

  • access affordable homes
  • take care of their children, and
  • Improve conditions for those who are incarcerated.

VICPP supports budget amendments that...TO READ MORE AND TAKE ACTION, CLICK HERE.