NETWORK Demands A 
Moral Budget!

 We demand a federal budget that centers the needs of all of us, especially seniors, Black Americans, disabled folks, and all those blocked from thriving because of racial and economic injustices. Join NETWORK on Tuesday, March 28, at 7:00 PM Eastern/4:00 PM Pacific, to learn how how we can demand a moral federal budget from Congress and unrig our economy.

NETWORK’s Government Relations team will discuss the House Republican strategy to shove the burden of lifting the debt ceiling onto people who receive Medicaid, housing vouchers, food assistance, and other human needs programs -- in effect, shaming and blaming struggling people...for struggling. Then, our Grassroots Mobilization team will share how you can join us to advocate for a moral budget.

NETWORK Demands A Moral Federal Budget Webinar
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
7:00-8:00 PM Eastern / 4:00-5:00 PM Pacific

For far too long, certain politicians have benefited from economic advantages because of policies and laws that benefit them and their wealthy donors, while pushing others, especially Black, Indigenous, and working-class people, into financial insecurity. We know that when folks have money to pay for quality childcare, to visit the doctor when they are ill, and to put food on the table every night -- and make it home to eat it with the ones they love, our communities thrive. 

It is our moral obligation to advocate for economic justice for our brothers and sisters in God's beloved community. Equity in our federal policy will help all of us thrive. In the words of Pope Francis, we must say no to an economy that kills!