

In his apostolic letter Novo Millennio Ineunte, Pope John Paul II encourages us to, “Remember the past with gratitude… live the present with enthusiasm, and… look forward to the future with confidence.” This sounds like an impossible task as we witness the sufferings of those around us and experience our own. However, when you offer thanksgiving for the ways God has blessed you and work to remove the unjust causes of suffering in your community, you are manifesting the mercy and blessings of God!

The SALT family encourages you to continue to work to end unjust causes of suffering and rejoice in the blessings God has given you. We are grateful for your past support and advocacy. SALT will continue to enthusiastically fight in Richmond for the people suffering in our prisons and our communities. We are confident that when we lift our voices together, we will be able to make our Commonwealth more compassionate.

Thank you for all you do to make this possible, and we hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!