Please read this message from Save the Children Action Network, a program headed up by Mark Shriver, and consider taking the recommended action that helps children living in war zones go to school.  

Sadly, for 75 million children around the world, the first day of school may never come. For these children living in war zones or as refugees, school is just a dream. 

You and I can change this. Soon, world leaders will gather in New York to discuss ways to address these kinds of problems. This is our chance to persuade the U.S. to support funding for Education Cannot Wait, a global fund that helps children living in war zones go to school. 

Help secure children’s futures by urging Congress and the president to fund Education Cannot Wait.

Education can truly change the lives of children.

Already, Education Cannot Wait has reached more than 1.4 million children. But there are so many more that need our help. 

Please join me in sending a message to Congress and the President today by clicking on the link below or copying and pasting the link into your internet browser.


John Horejsi
SALT Coordinator
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