
 We're excited to invite you to a FREE online training designed to equip you with the tools and knowledge you need to be a more effective advocate in the Commonwealth.

This training will cover four key areas:

  • Understanding the New General Assembly: Gain insights into the changing political landscape and learn how to effectively engage with your newly elected representatives.
  • Communicating Your Message: Learn how to craft compelling messages, engage with the media, and navigate social media effectively to amplify your voice.
  • Calendars and Scheduling: Enhance your organizational skills and stay on top of legislative deadlines with effective calendar management strategies.
  • Navigating the New Building: Discover the ins and outs of the brand new General Assembly Building, including efficient navigation tips and insider info you need to know!

This training is for you if:

  • You are a passionate advocate for a cause in Virginia’s changing political landscape.
  • You want to strengthen your communication skills.
  • You want to be more effective in engaging with your legislators.
  • You want to learn about the new General Assembly building.

Here are the details of the training:

Meeting ID: 306 049 3017  Passcode: 599860

We believe that informed and empowered advocates are essential for a strong democracy. This training will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to make a real difference in Virginia.

Don't miss this opportunity to level up your advocacy skills!

P.S. Share this email with your fellow advocates! We encourage everyone to participate in this valuable training.