Letter to the Editor #2—Washington Post

Dear Editor:

While Secretary Moran (June 15 Post) is correct that Red Onion supermax prison has reduced the total number of people in solitary confinement, the fact remains that many of the 98 men still in solitary have languished there for years. Interfaith Action for Human Rights, of which I am the executive director, has been in touch with over 100 men at Red Onion and Wallens Ridge State prisons over the last three years.  Our organization has recorded ample evidence of serious abuse of prolonged isolation at these prisons. Moreover, Secretary Moran mentions nothing of how solitary is used in other state facilities. It is time for Governor Northam to order an independent investigation which would reveal how solitary is used in all of Virginia’s prisons. The people of Virginia deserve a full and accurate accounting of what goes on in their prisons.

Rabbi Charles Feinberg, Interfaith Action for Human Rights,
POB 55802, Washington, DC 20040,
www.interfaithactionhr.org phone 240-324-9160 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.